Convergence Case Notes

Case Notes are added to a case as it progresses, detailing activity that takes place for the case, tracking time spent on the case, and by whom, and generating billable events for the case. Notes should be added whenever billable time or services for a case occur, or when important information needs to be noted for a case. Notes may also be automatically added when a letter or report is generated, or when email is sent from Convergence, depending on your Convergence site settings. The term 'Case Notes' may be replaced by the admin user with a different name to fit your organization's business model. Billable amounts from case notes form the basis for generating invoices from Convergence.

Entering New Notes

Click 'New Note' in the Popup Menu or the Navigation Page to get to the Case Note page with a new note. There is also a 'New Note' button on the case note and case note list pages.

The menu 'Contact:' near the top indicates what party to the case, if any might be involved in this note, whether that's a client interview or a phone call to a Lawyer or Doctor. The menu choices will show all contact types, and the contact name if one is assigned to the current case.

The menu 'Counselor:' in the image is the user menu, indicating which Convergence user is generating this note. If you have no privilege to modify the user for a note, your user name will appear there instead of a menu.

The space marked 'Activity:' is the brief description of what the note is. (ie Intake Interview, Phone Call, Report Generation, etc) The activity field is an autoselect field, and will suggest names from the database that match your typed input. You can select your choice from the popup suggestions any time, or can type in a new activity, and it will be remembered for future notes.

The big 'Notes:' field is for detailed information about the case activity, such as a summary of a phone conference, or any special notes that need to be part of the case records.

Toward the bottom of the form is the hourly rate selector. The names and amounts of hourly rates are set by the admin user. There are settings to set hourly rates automatically be case type or case activity, as well as by user. The 'Amount:' field is the actual billable amount that this note might contribute to an invoice. If set to zero, it will save a zero value case note which will not be included in invoices when they are generated. The billable amount can be automatically calculated with the note timer down below the field.

Case Note Timer

At the bottom of the case note entry area is a timer for tracking length of time a case activity takes. This timer can be left running during meetings, phone calls, or document preparation to accurately measure the amount of billable time expended. The timer may be paused and restarted if needed, and event times can be entered directly into the time field. When a time is entered, the Amount field will be filled according to the amount of time and the hourly rate selected.

Clicking the button 'Stop' stops the timer, and the button becomes a 'Start' button which restarts the timer. The button 'Reset' sets the timer back to zero. The button '<<Enter' converts the time into hours, and recalculates the billable amount based on the number of hours times the selected hourly rate. The hours appear in the field marked 'Time/Hours:'. The fields 'Date:' and 'Time:' refer to the dat and time when this note activity occured.

Information Display

The area at the top of the case notes page where the header with 'Display Name Phone Fax' is showing is a handy information display for quick reference to client and contact data while creating or editing a case note. The menu under display allows you to choose which party to the case you are viewing information for. Only those parties that are actually filled in for the case will be included in the menu.

The button 'More' will display more detailed information, becoming a 'Less' button to show less information.

Case Note Lists

A list of notes for the current case can be gotten by clicking on 'List Notes' in the popup menu or navigation page, by clicking on the 'List Notes' button on the case note page, or by clicking on the 'List Notes' link for a case in a case list. This same sort of list is used to display case note search results also.

The 'Sort By:' menu allows you to sort the note list by any data field.

The '+' button for each note in the list will open up a view of the notes text for that note as shown below. When the notes are displayed, the button is a '-' button to hide the notes. The master '+' button at the top of the list will open note text for all notes.

Case Notes are marked as invoiced or not depending on whether they have yet been included in an invoice as a billable item. If there is an invoice for the note, the 'YES' is a link to the invoice in question. See the chapter Invoicing for details.

Another way to view the case note list is by clicking the little 'i' button next to Case Notes in the popup menu. This gives you a note list popup so you can view notes without having to leave the screen you are on. If you are in the middle of timing one note, and need to refer to another, this can be very handy.

In the note list popup the '+' button next to each note shows detailed information about that note. When the information is displayed the button becomes a '-' button to hide note details. The details that show up here are determined by a template that the admin user can change.

When using the note list popup in the edit note page, the current note you are working on will be highlighted.

Editing Case Notes

You can edit an existing case note by clicking on its activity link in a case note list, either full page or popup style. This will bring you to pretty much the same page as the new case note page, but with existing note information filled in. If you have the privilege, you may make changes to the note and save them.

The row of buttons along the bottom of the case note area contains a 'Save' button to save your edits and return to the note page, a 'Cancel' button to restore the case note display without saving, a 'New Note' button to start another note, a 'Delete Note' button to delete this note, a 'Note List' button to go the the case note list, and a 'Go to Note:' button and menu to quickly access any other note in the current case. The delete button will give you a dialog asking to confirm if you really want to delete this note. Clicking any button or menu item will save your changes unless you specifically click the 'Cancel' button.

Search for Case Notes

Clicking 'Find Notes' in the popup menu or the navigation page will bring you to a page to enter your search criteria and find case notes. You may restrict the search to a case, or search all cases. Any data field can be used to search with. For date fields, a date may be typed in, or a range of dates like "06/16/16 to 09/15/16", where the word 'to' indicates a range of dates.

Your search results show up in a case note list as shown below.

Hourly Rates

The hourly rate menu is populated from a list of rate settings in the admin area. See Managing Hourly Rates for details. When a new case note is set up, the hourly rate is set to the default hourly rate for the current user, unless there is a setting for the case type, which will then override. When a case activity is selected, it may change to hourly rate if there is an hourly rate chosen by admin for that activity.

If the hourly rate menu selection is changed, the 'Billable Amount:' field is recalculated. The billable amount is also recalculated if the 'Time/Hours:' field is changed and you click or tab somewhere else, or if the '<<Enter' button in the case note timer is clicked.

This manual is published by Convergence Case Management Data Retrieval Software, LLC, whose software products are provided for use by parties who have paid for and have a current license to operate the software described herein.

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent any commitment on the part of Convergence Case Management Data Retrieval Software, LLC. The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with its terms and conditions.

 © Copyright 2025 Convergence Case Management Data Retrieval Software, LLC

This manual contains propietary information which is protected by Copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced, translated into any language or computer language, or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of Convergence Case Management Data Retrieval Software, LLC.